Technical assistance for local public authorities and other public entities (universities, government companies, central territorial authorities etc.):
Processing of energy database for public buildings governed by public authorities and prioritizing of investment plans according to saving potentials.
Defining local plans and policies towards energy efficiency increase of public infrastructure (buildings, public lighting, district heating).
Support in energy efficiency related tender documentation and contracts drafting.
Processing or contracting and implementing energy monitoring systems within the framework of public infrastructure.
Integrated services with the following components: diagnosis, due diligence, tender book elaboration, feasibility studies evaluation, compulsory indicators for contractors (e.g. maximal values for comfort standards imposed by legislation).
Energy consumption and energy savings monitoring in order to establish project target or energy performance achievement level.
Guidance services for structural funds (technical economic analysis, applications elaboration and submission, deployment support, evaluation and monitoring)- calls for energy efficiency increase in public buildings, residential building, public lighting.
Elaborating and implementing energy efficiency increase projects for public lighting infrastructure.
Technical assistance for implementing energy-efficiency financing lines (public and residential buildings, lighting) for the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, The Management Authority and Intermediary Entities:
Standardization of required energy audits, feasibility studies and cost-benefit analyses which are necessary for the financing applications to be accepted.
Developing a national system for collecting energy data within public buildings.
Elaborating monitoring and verifying standards for energy efficiency works, which allow adjusting the reference values depending on climate data, behavior data etc. .
Detailing and developing financial standards for energy efficiency investment towards public buildings and street lighting.
Elaborating and implementing of financial instruments and mechanisms which may be financed by cohesion funding (guarantee schemes, fixed funds, subsidized loan funding).
Support The Management Authority and Intermediary Entities in evaluation and monitoring process with regards to implementation of energy efficiency projects.